Monday, July 10, 2023

I think this problem could be tweaked to be more subtle, but it still illustrates an interesting computation.

I'm not sure this is hard -- devious obviously must take both of my dice to win -- but the weak dice might make the strategy trickier (or do they? I think I could tweak the values in this puzzle to make it a lot more borderline, this is close but not too hard to resolve)

Anyway, devious has 3 possible attacks, but  one of them (taking my (8) with the weak die with current value 7) is clearly no good, after the weak die reduces, there'll be no way to make a skill attack sum to 12. 

So should he take my (8) via skill attack? he'd have only two chances out of 6 (rerolling a 4 or 5) of being able to then take my s(12) and win.

Or should he take my s(12) via skill attack? both weak dice would reduce to 6 sides, and if I'm able to take both, I'll win. But if I only manage to take one, the other one will reduce to 4 sides when it recaptures me... From the current score, he'll gain 20 of my sides, but lose l lose 6 sides that are captured, and another 6 sides would be lost to weak-dice reduction... I think he squeaks through. 

But what are my chances of being able to take both of his weak dice?

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