Saturday, June 10, 2023

Mood Swing Computations


I have 3 possible attacks, though if I do attack with the mood swing, it has to make more sense to take the H(8), doesn't it?  The real choice is between 

  • taking the poison with the (5) -- and we all know that has a 40% chance of rerolling 4 or 5 and thus winning, but the other 60% of the time, the H(8) will take the 5, grow-to-a-10-sided die and,  it must roll 1-4 (40% chance) for me to win. that's .4 + ,6*.4 = .64, which isn't so bad -- or .
  • taking the H(8) with the mood swing, which seems a lot harder to calculate:
    • what size will it become?
    • will it roll 1-2? or 8 or more? what types of outcomes will result in my loss? how likely are they?