Thursday, January 23, 2020

*very* basic problem

i'm not even going to ask the question, it's just a simple illustration of a common situation.

n. has to take both my dice without losing either of his own, so (A) he can't leave both my X=4 uncaptured and his X=4 unrolled. So my X=4 must be taken.

On the other hand, if he takes it with his own X=4, he has a 50% chance of rolling it into range of my sf(4), whereas if he takes it with his (20), he has only a 10% chance of rolling it into range of my sf(4), and another 5% chance of  rolling 2 and not being able to make a second attack. So one way he loses 50% of the time, the other way, only 15%.


gaining initiative

Yes, I'm going use my focus dice to gain initiative -- but is it really obvious what the best way to do it is? And what my first attack should be? [for the record, I sort of think I made a mistake with my first attack in the actual game]

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Is this subtle? I don't want to do the math.

I have four possible attacks here. *probably* I should use the #(8), as I really have to get the 10-sided die to reroll to have any chance of victory -- but should I take the 4-sided die or the p(6,6)?
I can afford to lose one of my dice if I capture all of his, or even *both* of my dive do long as I capture the 10-sided die but NOT the poison.