Monday, October 8, 2007

wow, it has been a long time... but here's one.

Sorry, work and life has intruded, and will probably continue to do so.
Still, this position caught my eye, though not because I have any interesting choices --
I'm dead in the water right now, with my shadow dice stuck -- but does Anders have an interesting choice to make? or is it automatic?

Viewing Game #609050

This game was last modified on Mon Oct 8, 2007 21:31:33

* Next Turn * Player: Anders *ONE MILLION POINTS* *Fanatic* * Next Turn *
Button Man: Tonase Score: 26 (1.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 2 / 0 (out of 3 round(s))
Captured Dice: 8-sided die, Shadow X Swing 4-sided die
Dice 4-sided die20-sided dieFocus X Swing
(with 4 sides)
Value 2142
Dice Shadow
4-sided die
8-sided dieShadow
12-sided die
Value 4711
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Button Man: The Effster Score: 24 (-1.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 1 / 0
Captured Dice: 8-sided die, 4-sided die

Results from last turn:
ElihuRoot is performing a power attack with a 8-sided die showing 7,
targeting Anders's 4-sided die showing 2.

The 8-sided die is rerolled and the new value is 7.

ElihuRoot takes Anders's die.


Anonymous said...

Well, he could take your [7/8] with his [14/20], but then he loses it on 4, 11, or 12. If he takes your [4/s4] with his [2/4 2/f4], your only move will be to take one of his four-siders with your [7/8]... At that point, if you roll lower than the other four-sider, he takes it and wins; if you roll higher than the other four-sider, he takes your eight-sider with his [14/20], and then only loses on a 11 or 12, which is still an improvement over the initial situation.

He could lose the twenty-sider and still win, but it's not very likely -- he'd have to take both of your bigger dice, and not lose any other dice in the process. So I think he should do whatever puts it the least at risk.

Anonymous said...
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Ted said...

that's exactly right, though if he were to take my [7/8] with his [14/20] he'd lose on if he rerolled 4,11,12 OR 15. but the basic point is valid, he can defer this by one turn by taking the shadow 4-sided die and things only get better.