Friday, January 11, 2019

counting exercise

What should irilyth do?

1 comment:

irilyth said...

Take the (X=4)!:3, because that puts me at +18.7 sides, and with only 18 sides for you to capture.

What *did* I do? I have a sneaking suspicion that I took the (8):6 and lost the round. :^p

Oh! Ha, I totally mis-read this and assumed I was Von Pinn. :^) Well, so in that case, I think I need to take something *with* the (X=4)!:3, and Turbo up, because that's the only way I can win the round. :^p And the (4):2 is a better bet, because if I roll a 5 or lower, I'm dead anyway, so if I beat a 5, your (10):1 is stuck, which seems good.

And indeed, I did, and rolled high, and won the round, go me.