Thursday, August 20, 2009

Which is the Angel?

Angel/Devil in one ear: take his 10-sided die! you need to capture all his dice anyway, and if you don't roll above a 6, you're dead.

Angel/Devil in the other ear: no, take his 6-sided die with value 5! You get to reroll both your dice, you get rid of one die that is clearly showing a large value, and maybe you can get the 4-sided die above 3.

Which is the angel, and which is the devil?

Gad, I'm starting to sound like Paul Halmos would sound if he wrote about buttonmen and made lots of mathematical errors.

Button Men Game #678019

Tournament Legal challenge, copying communication from game 677944

Skills in this game: Twin, Shadow, X Swing
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Your Button Man: Ginzu (8 8 s(12,12) 20 X) Score: 46 (-11.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 0 / 1 (Out of 3 wins)
Your Captured Dice: Shadow X Swing 20-sided die, 20-sided die
8-sided die X Swing
(with 4 sides)
8-sided die
4 1 4
Captured last turn
6-sided die 6-sided die 10-sided die
6 5 3
Opponent: alaric *Sci-Fied* *Silver Medal in Men's Boxing* *Silver Medal in Men's Marathon* *Silver Medal in Men's Synchronized Swimming* *Gold Medal in Men's Wrestling*
Button Man: Dunkirk (6 6 10 20 sX) Score: 63 (11.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 0 / 2 / 1
Captured Dice: Shadow Twin Die (both with 12 sides), 20-sided die, 8-sided die
Select an attack:


Ted said...
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Ted said...

Hmm. it's pretty close, but -- if I haven't made any arithmetic errors, you have about 16.7% chance of winning if you do the skill attack on the 6 sided die, but only a 14.1 % chance of winning if you do the power attack on the 10 sided die.