Monday, February 19, 2018

Null puzzle

I'm up by 4 sides, but I'm very vulernable to a speed attack. But that only gives irilyth a tie. On the other hand, if he does a non-null attack, he could lose if he rolls a 1,2 or 4. Does he have any better options?

1 comment:

Scipio said...

I'd suggest taking the stinger die with the larger null die. Then irilyth's four-sider can't be captured. With a pretty large probability, the null die won't roll low (and even if it does, irilyth still has a chance) and you'll be forced to take the other null die. Then irilyth could take the larger of the two remaining dice with the null die which, again, has a good chance of being high.
If the null die doesn't roll low, irilyth can now take the last die with his normal die and win.
And if it does, well there's still a 75% chance.