Very basic play, right? What should blackshadowshade do?
Game #2178 • ElihuRoot (Aquarius) vs. blackshadowshade (Taurus) • Round #2
Testing Zodiac
Opponent's turn to attack
(6) p(6) (8) s(12) (X)
Button: Aquarius
Player: ElihuRoot
Player: blackshadowshade
Button: Taurus
g(8) (10) (20) s(20) (V)
I guess the first step, which I forgot, is to look at the score. XD
Take the poison die with the [(V=6):3].
But you can't afford to lose either die, so you want to minimize the probability of recapture.
This is one of those nasty occasions where the warm and fuzzy heuristic "keep the (20) safe at all costs" fails to give the right answer, and indeed fails quite badly.
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