Tuesday, August 18, 2015

choosing reserve dice

In a 3-round game of Sadakuro  [f(4) f(6) f(8) f(10) (12)] vs Sapphire [(6) (10) (12) (12) r(8) r(8) r(10) r(12)], Sadakuro is almost certain to win the first round and has an excellent chance of winning the second round, regardless of the reserve die Sapphire chooses. So, as is so often the case in non-reserve vs. reserve-die games, Sapphire finds himself having to win 3 in a row. Even with the 5-against-6 dice matchup at the end, Sadakuro can be pretty sure of getting the initiative.  Bearing all that in mind, which reserve dice should Sapphire choose to have the best chance? or does it not matter much?

I have an opinion, but I am not completely sure I'm right. I'll wait to hear other comments, if any, before posting it.

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