Friday, June 13, 2014

Buttonmen 101

This is pretty easy to calculate, but I thought it was interesting because my instinct was that it almost didn't matter which one I did, but when I stopped to think about it, I realized that one attack was clearly better than the other. (technically, there are three  attacks I could make, but one of them is absurd).

Game #441  •  ElihuRoot (Von Pinn) vs. Boot2daHead (Jorgi)  •  Round #5
Your turn to attack

(4) p(6,6) (10) (20) (W)
Button: Von Pinn
Player: ElihuRoot
W/L/T: 2/2/0 (3)  •  Score: 25 (-0.7 sides)
Dice captured: (20), (4), (8)
Dice captured: (20), (W=5), (4)
W/L/T: 2/2/0 (3)  •  Score: 26 (+0.7 sides)
Player: Boot2daHead
Button: Jorgi
(4) (6) (8) (20) p(X)


James said...

Ah yes, a chance of 4/10 as opposed to 6/12! I had to think about that one for a moment too before it became obvious. :)

Ted said...

I would have said 5/12 vs. 6/12, but yes. If you take the d6 with the p(6,6) you will win if you roll 6 or less: probability of success is 5/12 ~ 41.7% . if you take the d6 with the d10, you win if EITHER you roll 7 or more so B2dH must take the poison (probability 40%) OR if you roll 1-6, B2dH takes the d10, but rerolls a 6 and must then take the poision (probability 10%) -- so this gives a 50% chance.

James said...

Oh yes, forgot about the probability distribution of the twin die. XD