Monday, February 9, 2009

2 options, writ small

Should I take his 6-sided die with mine, or should I reroll my 8 sided die?
can you see the arguments either way? the dice are small enough in this case and we're close enough to the end, that it's not too hard to do the full calculation, but the basic decision between these two sorts of options seems to come up again and again.

Tournament #13750: revenge of the stats -- tasha
Current Round: Round 1. (organized by tasha)
I took too long to log in to join the tournament glassonion created, but she was kind enough to tell me what to do! Choose randomly from the buttons below and have fun!

Skills in this game: Focus, Reserve
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Your Button Man: Jedite (6 6 12 12 4 r6 r6 8) Score: 41 (2.6 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 0 / 2 / 0 (Out of 3 wins)
Your Captured Dice: 20-sided die, Focus 12-sided die
6-sided die 4-sided die 8-sided die
6-sided die
5 2 4
Captured last turn
4-sided die 4-sided die Focus
6-sided die

1 3 5

Opponent: mbs808
Button Man: Unicorn (4 4 f6 f12 20) Score: 37 (-2.6 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 0 / 0
Captured Dice: 12-sided die, 12-sided die, 6-sided die

1 comment:

James said...

I'd use the d8 to take the 3, since it leaves the other d4 sitting on 1. The way I see it, the d4 with a 1 remains almost definitely unusable, leaving you with three dice vs one.