Sunday, August 3, 2008

It has been too long since I posted -- well, here's a new puzzle.

To win, I've got to get bmai to reroll the 20-sider, and sooner is much better
than later. On the other hand, I really don't want him to be able to reroll the
12-sider, either. What do you think I should do?

Button Men Game #642946

Play the AI! You will be assimilated and stuff.

Skills in this game: Focus
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Your Button Man: Phoenix (4 6 f8 10 f20) Score: 26 (-14 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 2 / 0 (Out of 3 wins)
Your Captured Dice: 10-sided die, Focus 6-sided die
4-sided die 6-sided die 10-sided die Focus
8-sided die
4 5 10 4
Captured last turn
6-sided die Focus
12-sided die
20-sided die
4 3 16
Opponent: bmai *AI* *111111101001000001100 as of 9-22-03*
Button Man: Kakita (6 f6 10 f12 20) Score: 47 (14 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 1 / 0
Captured Dice: Focus 20-sided die, Focus 8-sided die
bmai's Response
I am 45.5% in 55 games against you. I am 31.0% in 29 games when playing Kakita. I am 52.0% in 25 games when playing against Phoenix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you have six possible plays:


I personally would immediately dismiss any of the xd12 moves, because they do not force your opponent to have the chance to reroll his d20 (he'll always just play d6xd4 in return).

Breaking the other 3 down:

d4xd6 - 75% of the time you'll roll 3 or lower, and your opponent will play d12xd4. Of those 25%, your opponent will roll well in 70% of them (math left to the reader) for a total of 92.5% win chance for your opponent. Not good...

d6xd6 - This is the one that felt right at first blush to me; however... 50% of the time you'll roll 3 or lower and your opponent will play d12xd6. Of the other 50%: 75% 4/6 times (your d6 ends up 1-4), 25% 2/6 times (your d6 ends up 5-6), for a total of 85.833% win chance for your opponent... better, but....

d10xd6 - Seems counter-intuitive, doesn't it (like most of the hard moves in BM)? 30% you'll miss, and no matter what you roll (4-10) your opponent should take your d10(anyone want to walk down that math route a little further to make sure I'm correct?). The other 70%, opponent has a 70% chance to roll well, leaving them with a 79% chance (30 + 49) to win.

d10xd6 is the play.

Did I miss anything?