Monday, June 1, 2009

uses of the trip die

one thing that's striking about the trip die skill is how infrequently one uses it -- about the only time you see trip attacks made is when there's no other possible attack available. There are, however, rare occasions when a trip attack might be better than other possible attacks.

Is this such an exception? If i. doesn't force my 10-sided die with value 10 to reroll, he's *almost* certain to lose.

Viewing Game #669808
Tournament #13753: Chastity!
Current Round: Round 2. (organized by alaric)
This game was last modified on Mon Jun 1, 2009 06:28:34

* Next Turn * Player: irilyth *Poisonous Turtle* *Silver Medal in Men's 100 Meter Dash* * Next Turn *
Button Man: Chastity    Score: 24 (-15.3 sides)   Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 2 / 0 (out of 3 round(s))
Captured Dice: 10-sided die, 6-sided die
6-sided die
10-sided die 
6-sided die
10-sided dieX Swing
(with 10 sides)
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic* 
Button Man: Chastity    Score: 47 (15.3 sides)   Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 2 / 2 / 0
Captured Dice: X Swing 18-sided die, 10-sided die, 6-sided die