Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what's more profitable?

I could either reroll my 20-sided die in an attempt to get one more high number (but probably allow him one more turn to capture a die before having to reroll his (9,9)-sided die);
or I could reroll either my 14-sided die or 13-sided die, capturing his (6,6)-sided die, and almost certainly forcing him to reroll sooner -- but almost assuredly with smaller values on my own dice! I haven't worked the math out specifically on this, but initially, I thought one was obviously right -- now I'm not so sure. What do you think?

Button Men Game #653086

This game is 'for fun' and does not count for player rankings.
Arena Game: Generate a Random Button Man: Fantasy/Club Foglio (4 Dice, Swing)

Skills in this game: Turbo, Twin, V Swing, Y Swing
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Your Button Man: RandomBM ((4,4) 14 20 20 Y) Score: 51.5 (7.6 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 1 / 0 (Out of 3 wins)
Your Captured Dice: Twin V Turbo Swing Die (both with 12 sides)
Twin Die
(both with 4 sides)
14-sided die 20-sided die Y Swing
(with 13 sides)
20-sided die
2 11 3 11 12
Captured last turn
10-sided die Twin Die
(both with 6 sides)
Twin Die
(both with 9 sides)
1 7 15
Opponent: taurik *mindmeld* *Cunning 7*
Button Man: RandomBM (10 (6,6) (9,9) (V,V)!) Score: 40 (-7.6 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 1 / 0
Captured Dice: 20-sided die

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