Thursday, March 20, 2008

what's most important ?

taking his 20 sided die? repositioning mine? or taking his die with the largest value?

Button Men Game #630876

Tournament Legal challenge, copying communication from game 629596

Skills in this game: Focus, Reserve
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Your Button Man: Sailor Mars (4 6 10 20 r6 r10 r10 20) Score: 20 (-15.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 0 / 1 / 0 (Out of 3 wins)
Your Captured Dice: None
4-sided die 6-sided die 10-sided die 20-sided die 20-sided die
3 6 9 7 8
Captured last turn
4-sided die 4-sided die Focus
6-sided die
12-sided die
20-sided die
4 4 1 12 1
Opponent: theAlmighty *heavenly*
Button Man: Unicorn (4 4 f6 f12 20) Score: 43 (15.3 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 0 / 0
Captured Dice: 20-sided die

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you take his [20], regardless of which of your dice you do it with, your own [20] will almost certainly get taken, which you can't afford.

On the other hand if you leave your [20] showing 7, and take his maxed-out [12] using your dice showing 3 and 9, you've got a good shot at taking his [20] next time... at which point he'll only have two [4]s and a [6] left.
That's the situation you want to be in, since it maximizes your chance of keeping your [20]. So capture his [12].