Monday, December 17, 2007

So, what do you think A. should do?

reroll the die with a value of 6? or capture my 8 sided die with a value of 7? The latter
clearly increases the chance I have to reroll my 20-sided die; but if I *do* have to reroll my die, the former has a much better expected value of the lower die.

Or am I giving it away even by phrasing it this way?

(oh, let me point out the previous post was only published today, even though it says "October 30" -- the draft was dumped onto the site way back then, but I didn't get around to reviewing it until just today!)

Viewing Game #621844

This game was last modified on Mon Dec 17, 2007 16:13:27

* Next Turn * Player: Anders *ONE MILLION POINTS* *Fanatic* * Next Turn *
Button Man: Yuranosuke Score: 10 (-22 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 1 / 0 (out of 3 round(s))
Captured Dice: Poison 16-sided die, X Swing 6-sided die
Dice 12-sided dieFocus
12-sided die

Value 610

Dice 8-sided die8-sided die20-sided die
Value 2720
Player: ElihuRoot *Dead Dude* *Fanatic*
Button Man: Shepherd Score: 43 (22 sides) Rounds Won/Lost/Tied: 1 / 1 / 0
Captured Dice: X Swing 13-sided die, 8-sided die, 4-sided die

Results from last turn:
ElihuRoot is performing a power attack with a 8-sided die showing 2,
targeting Anders's 4-sided die showing 2.

The 8-sided die is rerolled and the new value is 7.